Last update 01/08/24: We are pleased to announce that our website is now officially live. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and kindly invite you to collect your complimentary goodie bag upon departure. Please be advised that, under no circumstances, should you attempt to interact with or pet any animals present on the premises. We will disclaim all liability for any injury or harm. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


little burnout season

date: 26/08/24
feeling: gloomy ☁︎

i think winter finally started after almost two months of impossibly hot weather. it's really cold here, and i'm honestly not used to it, so i think it's not great for my mental health right now. i was feeling pretty consistent in my energy levels and pretty satisfied with how i was managing to do a bunch of exciting stuff (including this blog), but now i just can't find any inspiration or willpower to do anything at all.
overall, i'm trying to be gentle and reminding myself that this is all for my own enjoyment so i don't need to set milestones or achieve specific goals with the things i actually like doing. so here's to hoping i can keep my overthinking habits in check.

on other topics, soju (my baby cat!) is growing more and more every second and now looks like a tall, lanky teenager. i made a mean cheesecake in the air fryer. also managed to cook a birthday lunch for six people without crying once (happy birthday greg!).

i'm excited about: my best friend coming to visit, wearing fluffy socks, watching longlegs, eating unhealthy amounts of sweets, framing new posters.
current obsessions: stamps, haunted houses, unfiction/creepypastas, engineering a household item from scratch.